Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hi guys-

It has been too long since I have updated the blog. The boys are growing in leaps and bounds. They are walking, talking, and I can barely catch up with them! Colin has his heart surgery this Monday, so please keep up in your thoughts. Here are some pictures from this summer!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Random pictures

The boys went with my parents to visit our next door neighbors last week. The neighbor had just gotten a new camera and took these pictures:)

First birthday professional pictures

I took the boys to Sears to have their one year pictures taken. It is amazing that the lady got any pictures of them smiling- they were definitely grumpy bears that day!

Boys First Birthday

I can not believe that the boys are already one! They had a great birthday. Ouzana and Randy came out from DC. The boys each had their own cake. Colin really dug into his- he is a huge sugar fan:) The boat that they are riding on was made by his grandma and grandpa- they love it!

Busy year so far!

Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated this blog! This year has been crazy. The boys both had ear tubes put in, had their first birthday, and Colin had his heart follow up. He still has the small hole in his heart and will have a minor operation in October. Here are some pictures of my Steelers fans and some other random pictures taken in January and February.