Wednesday, December 24, 2008

As you can see, the boys had a good first visit with Santa. It was quite comical:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I had my first date post being a mom. I went to the Navy Ball Saturday and had a really nice time. Here I am getting ready and also the flowers that he brought me.

Ok. Colin has decided that he is the man now that he can rock the chair all by himself:)

Here are my cute little two peas in a pod on Halloween. We went to a retirement home and had a blast!

Friday, October 31, 2008

I forgot to tell everyone- the boys have teeth!!!! Aidan got his bottom two teeth about two months ago and Colin just got his first bottom tooth two weeks ago!

My friend, Karalee, and I went to the trona mine for a tour. This mine was 1/4 mile underground and spanned 30 square miles. We were underground for 3 hours and were driven around in a jeep down there. It was really neat!

Well, I came across this picture the other day. Wanted to show all of you how I looked pre babies:) This was in December, three months before I was due!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hi guys-

Well the I took the boys to Sears this weekend for their six month photos. We tried to do this at Walmart last week, but the lady was so loud and nasty that she scared the boys and had them crying. Needless to say, no pictures came out of that visit! Sears did a great job. I have included some of my favorites. Big news from Aidan- he has two teeth. They came out of nowhere last weekend! Poor Colin looks like his are coming in, but no showing yet.

Visit to Kim's

Hi everyone-

I have been so bad about updating this blog:) A few weeks ago, the boys and I went down to Colorado Springs for the weekend to visit our friend, Kim, and her son, Brian. We had a blast. Here is a picture of us overlooking Garden of the Gods. It is soooo beautiful there!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What do you think of these cowboys? Let's hear a big hee haw:)!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

May 2008

So, after leaving Phoenix at a balmy 90 degrees, my family went to the Snowy Range (about 1 hour from Cheyenne) and look how deep the snow was. This was in May!!!!

Wild Kingdom- Up close and personal!

Yes, this is our front yard! We have two foxed who have made a den in our front yard. We also have a herd of antelope that wander through and like to play in our yard as well. Bizarre!!!!

Wresting duo

This picture was taken this week. The boys are starting early! Reagan is really into it. Don't you just love the steps behind them for the dogs to use to get up on the couch! This week is Cheyenne Frontier Days. The boys now have cowboy hats and will be wearing them to the parade tomorrow. I will take a picture and update the blog soon. Nothing like a couple of cowboys in the family:) We miss all of you and hope that you will come visit soon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome to our fan club!

Hi,I am Colin...Hi,I am Aidan...Welcome to our fan club page!